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Nitesh Shrivastava Foundation was founded by Nitesh Shrivastava in 2020 with the mission to provide education, healthcare and nutrition to the underprivileged families in India.

During these 4 years the success stories are innumerable. Twenty of our children have passed professional graduation courses like Engineering and Medicine. Fifteen of our needy family got the justice from Court who spended Lacs since years and NSF supported free to win.

Nitesh Shrivastava believes in “Spreading Happiness” and works towards all areas to make the needy people smile.

I, Nitesh Shrivastava, am a founder of Nitesh Shrivastava Foundation, government approved valuer driven by professionalism and have been associated with the world class organizations in public and private sector both. Iprovide solutions based on the practical needs of the client and offer valuation service for almost everything under the sky. My core strengths are deep understanding of the field, experience and in-depth knowledge of the industry.

I am often asked why I decided to set up this charity foundation. Over the last two decades, I have traveled across the India and world and had time to reflect on what I saw on the streets and need peoples in Asia and Africa - malnourished, sick & handicapped children who had given up hope and underprivileged children on the streets without any education.